Fund Availability and Prices

To quickly see how well the investment markets are performing in general and exactly how well your own investments are doing, see our daily fund prices.

To find out which Clerical Medical unitised funds are available within each product, and the annual management charge (AMC) that currently applies, please see our Fund availability leaflet (PDF, 374KB).

For more information on the aims and risks of each of our Pension Funds, please see our Pension Funds Investor's Guide (PDF, 271KB).  See our  Pension Fund Matrix (PDF, 672KB) for details of the funds available in each ABI fund sector by fund manager.

For more information on the aims and risks of each of our Life Funds, please see our Life Funds Investor's Guide (PDF, 456KB).

View the Past Performance Figures (PDF, 167KB).

Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of the investment and the income deriving from it can go down as well as up and can't be guaranteed. You may get back less than you invested.

Daily fund prices

Daily fund prices available 24 hours per day.

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