Unit Linked
Important note:- This information is only for existing customers to use when assessing the funds in which they're invested. If you want to make changes to the amount you invest in a fund, move into a different fund or start a new investment, you should speak to a financial adviser. This material should not be relied upon as sufficient information to support an investment decision.
Unit-Linked Life
Clerical Medical UK plans can be invested in a range of funds. The fund factsheets summarise key information about these funds. Click on a section below and then select the fact sheet you want.
Absolute Return (PDF, 31KB)
Adventurous (PDF, 31KB)
Balanced PDF, 32KB)
Balanced Fund of Funds (PDF, 154KB)
Cash Fund (PDF, 31KB)
Cautious (PDF, 29KB)
CM BNY Mellon US Equity Income Fund Pension (PDF, 143KB)
CM Newton Multi-Asset Diversified Return Life (PDF, 142KB)
CM Schroder Global Cities Real Estate (PDF, 161KB)
CM Schroder QEP Global Core (PDF, 382KB)
CM Vanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index Life (PDF, 33KB)
CM Vanguard ESG Developed World All Cap Equity Index 2 Life (PDF, 32KB)
CM Veritas Asian Life (PDF, 189KB)
Corporate Bond (PDF, 29KB)
Distribution S2 Acc (PDF, 30KB)
Distribution (Series 1 Accumulation) (PDF, 30KB)
Distribution Fund (Series 1 Income) (PDF, 135KB)
Dynamic Return (PDF, 156KB)
Dynamic Return G (PDF, 154KB)
Fidelity American (PDF, 141KB)
Fidelity Asia (PDF, 206KB)
Fidelity Defensive (PDF, 142KB)
Fidelity European (PDF, 141KB)
Fidelity Extra Income (PDF, 192KB)
Fidelity Moneybuilder Income (PDF, 191KB)
Fidelity Moneybuilder Growth (PDF, 191KB)
Fidelity Worldwide Special Situations (PDF, 140KB)
Gilt & Fixed Interest Fund (PDF, 32KB)
International Fixed Income (PDF, 31KB)
International Growth (PDF, 32KB)
Invesco Perpetual Corporate Bond (PDF, 143KB)
Invesco Perpetual Distribution (PDF, 143KB)
Invesco Perpetual Global Bond (PDF, 140KB)
Invesco Perpetual Global Emerging Markets (PDF, 193KB)
Invesco Perpetual Global Smaller Companies (PDF, 334KB)
Invesco Perpetual Hong Kong & China (PDF, 190KB)
Invesco Perpetual Monthly Income Plus (PDF, 144KB)
Invesco Perpetual UK Focus (PDF, 184KB)
* Income distributing funds are not available as a fund option on With-Profits Bonds. The With-Profits Bond is no longer available to new investors.
Managed Income Acc (PDF, 142KB)
Managed Income Inc (PDF, 84KB)
Newton Continental European Fund (PDF, 143KB)
Newton Global Equity Fund (PDF, 143KB)
Newton Global Income Life (PDF, 188KB)
Newton UK Income Life (PDF, 188KB)
Newton International Bond (PDF, 141KB)
Newton Multi-Asset Balanced Fund (PDF, 146KB)
Newton Multi-Asset Growth Life (PDF, 148KB)
Newton UK Equity Fund (PDF, 145KB)
Non-Equity (PDF, 31KB)
Schroder Corporate Bond Fund (PDF, 177KB)
Schroder Gilt & Fixed Interest (PDF, 140KB)
Schroder Global Equity Fund (PDF, 145KB)
Schroder Income (PDF, 144KB)
Schroder Managed Balanced Fund (PDF, 184KB)
Schroder Monthly High Income Fund (PDF, 117KB)
Schroder Tokyo (PDF, 139KB)
SWIS International Growth 2 Life (PDF, 31KB)
SWIS International Growth 3 Life (PDF, 31KB)
SWIS International Growth 4 Life (PDF, 32KB)
SWIS International Growth 5 Life (PDF, 32KB)
SWIS UK Equity Tracker 2 Life (PDF, 152KB)
SWIS UK Equity Tracker A Life (PDF, 152KB)
SWIS UK Equity Tracker B Life (PDF, 89KB)
Target Return (PDF, 150KB)
* Income distributing funds are not available as a fund option on With-Profits Bonds. The With-Profits Bond is no longer available to new investors. -
UK Equity Tracker 2 Life (PDF, 175KB)
UK Equity Tracker 3 Life (PDF, 154KB)
UK Equity Tracker 4 Life (PDF, 183KB)
UK Gilt (PDF, 152KB)
UK Index-Linked Gilt (PDF, 152KB)
UK Property (PDF, 31KB)